Mind-Emotion-Body Plan: 6 months option- Only 5 spots available at the sale price.

Sale Price:$4,675.00 Original Price:$5,500.00

The mind-emotion-body connection is the avenue for facilitating relief from chronic pain, anxiety, depression, stress and healing from unresolved traumas so that you can get out of the cycle of the challenges, the struggles and negative impacts these conditions pose on your quality of life. Choose between 3* or 6** months, receive as many sessions as needed for one flat price.

This is great for people who want to get off of their medications or want to prevent taking medications.

Services include:

90 minute Mind-Emotion-Body sessions where your body and nervous system can align so that you feel calm, settled and at peace. During these sessions you’ll receive a customized combination of acupuncture, bodywork/cupping, moxibustion (whatever you need in the moment!). We can connect the dots from holistic counseling and combine that with Chinese medicine and spirit-level acupuncture (acupuncture that addressed the spirits) . So that you can come into a new relationship with your illness, symptom or dis-ease. Receive as many as needed. 

Holistic counseling sessions to address mind-body connections through a counseling dialogue that reveals how your symptom/illness or dis-ease is connected to attachments of beliefs or conditions so that they can be released, which stimulates our own body’s natural ability to heal itself. Sessions are scheduled every 4-6 weeks. See below 3- month plan* & 6-month plan**

Inner cultivation practices session: learn these tools so that you can use them in your daily life. You can continue the treatments and inner healing outside of the treatment room.

* 3 months is ideal for patients with acute stress needs or they are waiting to get an appointment with a therapist/counselor and are desiring to get started in the meantime. Receive up to 3 Holistic counseling sessions.

** 6 month plan is ideal for people that have had anxiety, stress, chronic pain, depression for years, are on medications and want help removing those medications and/or who have a history of trauma. Receive up to 6 Holistic counseling sessions.

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Price is set as paid in full. Payment plans are available. Contact Dr. Lockhart if a payment plan is desired by emailing dana@allandone.com or calling the office at 503-281-6909.